

Since 1945

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Special Maintenance Products

Brazing alloys, aluminum electrodes, bare cast iron rod and bare aluminum, titanium and magnesium rod. Cutting, piercing and chamfering electrodes.

Weld Mold® 11-C

A flux-coated electrode for most aluminum alloys. A special combination of core wire and extruded coating provides high-speed deposition of dense, porosity-free welds with good color match. Weld deposits cannot be heat treated or anodized.
Specification: AWS-E4043
Available forms: SMAW

Weld Mold ® 26-C

Also known as nickel silver, 26-C is a flux coated alloy with super capillary action and thin flowing characteristics. Produces extraordinary tensile and shear strength. Deep penetration of the grain boundaries on the surface of the base metal without fusion permits application with a minimum of heat and distortion.
RC 36-40
Specification: AWS RBCuZn-D
Available forms: Oxy-Acetylene

Weld Mold ® 42-C

A flux-coated low-fuming bronze brazing rod for general purpose applications. Provides excellent bonds on all metals over rust and dirt. Excellent for either thin-flowing or bead-forming applications. Also available as bare rod 42-B.
Specification: AWSR-CuZn-C
Available forms: Oxy-Acetylene

Weld Mold® 56-B

A copper/silicon bare brazing alloy with good flow, high strength and crack-resistance. Recommended for thin galvanized steel and sheet metal such as car-body repair. Also for fabrication and repair of silicon bronze, copper alloys and grey or malleable iron.
Specification: AISI P-20
GTAW, GMAW, Oxy-Acetylene

Weld Mold ® 85-C

Also known as nickel silver, 85-C is a flux coated alloy with super capillary action and thin flowing characteristics. Produces extraordinary tensile and shear strength. Deep penetration of the grain boundaries on the surface of the base metal without fusion permits application with a minimum of heat and distortion.
Available forms: Oxy-Acetylene

Polychamfer® 100

For chamfering, beveling and gouging ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Uses include weld preparation and removing old welds and cracks.
Available forms: SMAW

Polycut ® 101

For cutting and piercing mild and alloy steel, stainless steel, cast iron, bronze, aluminum and copper. Uses include removing frozen bolts, piercing new holes and enlarging holes. Specification: NA
Available forms: SMAW

Weld Mold ® 4043

A 5% silicon aluminum alloy that flows freely at 1,000 Deg. F. with excellent properties, a wide plastic range and mild corrosion-resistance. Cannot be anodized.
Specification: AWS ER-4043
Available forms: GTAW, GMAW, Oxy-Acetylene

Weld Mold® 4637

For joining and particularly for the overlay of Udimet® alloys 500 and 520. It has high resistance to high temperatures and impact and maintains high strength and toughness at elevated temperatures. Primarily used for repair and reclamation of rapid-blow rotary forge dies. Also used for build-up and repair of Waspaloy.®
Rc 30-35 as-welded, work-hardens to Rc 45+
Specification: DIN 2.4976
Available forms: SMAW & FCAW

Weld Mold® 5356

A magnesium/aluminum alloy that flows freely at 1,200 Deg. F. It can be used for welding most aluminum grades and can be anodized.
Specification: AWS ER-5356
Available forms: GTAW, GMAW, Oxy-Acetylene

Weld Mold ® 955 MCT

A bare rod used for the repair and buildup of NAK-55 superior mold steel dies in the automotive, home appliance, computer, camera, electronic and plastic film extrusion industries. It may also be used to overlay working areas of lesser alloys to provide a more wear resistant surface.
Rc 56-58
Available forms: GTAW

Weld Mold® TIZ

Weld Mold TIZ is a grade 2 commercially pure titanium tig rod. It is used for welding titanium and titanium alloys.
RC 38-42 as-welded, Rc 58-62 heat-treated
Specification: AISI D-2
Available forms: GTAW




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Brighton, MI 48116 - USA